
What is UNI used for?

Though usually delicately draped on top of sushi, uni can also be used in sauces, spread like butter, used in pastas or on rice, or treated in any number of ways by culinary greats. You may love it or you could totally hate it, but if you have never tried uni, we encourage you to do so.

How successful are UNI graduates?

Real, relevant academic excellence for a world that expects career-ready graduates. 94% of UNI grads find success within six months of graduation. UNI graduates more teachers than any other university in Iowa. UNI graduates more CPAs than anywhere in Iowa. UNI is ranked a top regional public university by "U.S. News & World Report".

How do you prepare uni?

UNI’s pre-professional health programs prep you with hands-on clinical and research experience. STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) rewards those driven to see what can be done. UNI is the only university in Iowa where full-time faculty and staff coordinate student teaching placements.

What are the benefits of UNI?

At UNI, you’ll enter some of Iowa's top-rated art and design programs. UNI is recognized as one of the nation’s top-ranked business schools. UNI’s pre-professional health programs prep you with hands-on clinical and research experience. STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) rewards those driven to see what can be done.

